Monday, July 30, 2012

Lost Girl: SYFY

So, I am completely hooked on this new show. It is called, Lost Girl, and it airs on Syfy. It is extremely entertaining! Did I mention--Steamy!

I downloaded season one onto my notebook--via itunes. $17.99!

It's about a Succubus on a journey to discovering who she is.  If you have itunes, you can download the first episode for free!  Below, I have posted the link to the Syfy network page.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I am.  It's a pretty cool concept for a show.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Waiting Room

The hardest thing about being a writer (so far) is...the waiting room.

Definition-Waiting room: a building, or more commonly a part of a building where people sit or stand until the event they are waiting for occurs.

My waiting room exists in my mind. It is this way for many writers, agents, and publishers. I assume. 

The good thing about the waiting is that I've discovered two things about myself: 1. I detest waiting and 2. I've found a way to deal with my personal waiting room. 

(I've typed the word "waiting" several times many times can I type it...Let's test that theory right now) 

waitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitingwaiting... Okay, I'm done. 

I've decided to spend my time creating new ideas, imagining new characters, and designing new places to write about!  

I have so many ideas for stories that the "waiting room" has become this sort of cool space to reside in. It gives me peace of mind.  It reminds me that I am more than just one story, and that there are more than enough voices in my head for several books. (That did not sound creepy at all...)

I am not saying that the waiting room isn't like kicking rocks with open-toed shoes, because it is. I am saying that now... 

I pick up the rocks after they have bruised the hell out of my ten toes and put them on display. 


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Old Trades


1. I used to sell generic perfume on the street for $20 bucks a fake bottle. I know right? (SMH) I pushed between 20-30 bottles a day. (Why does the word “pushed” in the previous sentence make me sound like a drug dealer?) Just say no!  No, I’m serious! Say NO.

2. I used to sell vacuum cleaners. I offered free carpet shampoos to stamp the deal.  I guess that made me a maid Once Upon A Time. It was cool to see massive amounts of dirt go into a machine. No one ever wanted to pay 2,000 dollars for a vacuum. It didn't matter that the name of said vacuum rhymed with "Derby".

3. Video Store-Front desk: "Hey, you got to love free DVD rentals!" 

4. Hardees: (My first job) I worked there for two weeks. I was afraid of the popping hot grease, and I thought that the smell of French fries frying would make all of my hair fall out. 