Thursday, July 12, 2012

Old Trades


1. I used to sell generic perfume on the street for $20 bucks a fake bottle. I know right? (SMH) I pushed between 20-30 bottles a day. (Why does the word “pushed” in the previous sentence make me sound like a drug dealer?) Just say no!  No, I’m serious! Say NO.

2. I used to sell vacuum cleaners. I offered free carpet shampoos to stamp the deal.  I guess that made me a maid Once Upon A Time. It was cool to see massive amounts of dirt go into a machine. No one ever wanted to pay 2,000 dollars for a vacuum. It didn't matter that the name of said vacuum rhymed with "Derby".

3. Video Store-Front desk: "Hey, you got to love free DVD rentals!" 

4. Hardees: (My first job) I worked there for two weeks. I was afraid of the popping hot grease, and I thought that the smell of French fries frying would make all of my hair fall out. 


  1. What a cool post! Now here's what I really want to know (maybe in a future post): aside from sharpening your drive to write and sell a book so you would never have to push perfume again, what useful skills did you develop from these strange jobs - have any of them improved you as a writer?

  2. lol Tex!

    The experiences have shaped me as a writer. Perseverance-You'd be surprised how much one can come to despise the smell of perfume, especially after one has spent hours walking attempting to sell it. At the end of the day, you still love how some of it smells, and the money collected at the end of the shift...well that made it all worth it!

    Writing is a tough job. Some days I completely hate it! Some days I'm in love with writing, and it feels like that first crush:)

    On the days I hate writing, I remember what the end result will be. I remember why I can't live without writing, and that gives me the perseverance to "stay the course."
